
and sustainability

The Terroir

San Gimignano is here: in the heart of Tuscany, in the north-western part of the Province of Siena, where the ancient city of towers, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, stands, and where, on its gently sloping and sometimes steeper hills, wine-growing is history, an integral and substantial part of the landscape, a pillar of the local economy for centuries, as well as culture, tradition and social integration.

The Guardians of the Landscape

Families, men and women, young and old, with a deep knowledge of the land they inhabit and cultivate, make up the farming community that has implemented the principles of modern environmental sustainability for centuries, handing down this knowledge from generation to generation.


The Vernaccia di San Gimignano Wine Consortium was established in 1972 with the aim of protecting and promoting the image of Vernaccia di San Gimignano wine, Italy’s first DOC wine, both in Italy and worldwide. Since 1996, it has also protected and promoted the wines of the San Gimignano DOC appellation. 80 producers are associated with the Consortium, representing 88% of the area under vine, of which 64 go on the market with their own labels.